Replacement Parts Shipping
Destination country |
Shipping cost for replacement parts |
Delivery timeline (working days) depends on option chosen |
Customs charges |
UK |
From £2.69 to £6.75 |
2-10 |
No. |
From $5.75 to $15 |
5-21 |
See below. |
European Union |
From €9 to €14 |
7-10 |
Paid by eto for recipient. |
Australia & New Zealand |
From £4.20 to £12.00 |
7-21 |
May be charged. Carrier will claim locally. |
Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore & South Korea, |
From £4.20 to £12.00 |
5-21 |
May be charged. Carrier will claim locally. |
Andorra, Iceland, Monaco Montenegro, Norway, Switzerland &Turkey, |
From £3.25 to £15.00 |
7-21 |
May be charged. Carrier will claim locally. |
Rest of World |
From £4.50 to £16.00 |
7-21 |
May be charged. Carrier will claim locally. |